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At Stanborough we specialise in providing fast solutions for Accident and Health, Motor, Warranty, Property and Associated risks not only those difficult to place risks where some extra underwriting thought is required, but also for cases where capacity is difficult to find.

What is perceived by many as being a difficult case to underwrite, may in many cases,

be easily resolved by Stanborough. We aim to grow by writing business in areas which we feel we

can provide the highest quality of products and services to brokers and our clients.

In order to provide the security that your clients both need and demand, we are backed by Lloyd's, A rated syndicate and company capacity with a fully staffed back office to make dealing with us an easy and professional experience. Our wordings are approved and accepted by the applicable UK regulatory bodies and we can offer competitive levels of rates and commission.

© 2017 by Stanborough Underwriting. 

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